The Mayor of 8th District of Budapest paid a visit to Avicenna International College.

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  • The Mayor of 8th District of Budapest paid a visit to Avicenna International College.
  • October 31, 2021
  • 1 min read

Mr. Andras Piko, Mayor of Budapest 8th District, accompanied by the Deputy-Mayor and the Head of Cabinet, visited Avicenna International College on Tuesday 26 of October 2021. On this occasion, AIC colleagues introduced the educational programs for the Hungarian and international students. The cultural and extracurricular programs were also introduced which drew the attention of the delegation. Dr. MirzaHosseini, President of AIC, explained the Department of Investment and Development (DID) and its sustainable projects in the districts which are designed for the welfare of the international students. ATLAS student residential complex was discussed in particular.

Later during the visit, Mayor and his associates explained the long-term plans of the Municipality which are in line with the developmental plans of AIC. The Mayor congratulated AIC leadership and staff for their exemplary work and welcomed the plans of DID which will contribute to further internationalization and development of Budapest, especially District 8, the “City of International Students”.

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