AIC Students Should Attend all Online Classes

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  • AIC Students Should Attend all Online Classes
  • March 21, 2020
  • 2 min read

AIC Students Should Attend all Online Classes

Dear Students of AIC,

We are in an emergency situation. Yet, the response of AIC to the extraordinary conditions have been prompt and adequate. This has been recognized by the Hungarian Education Authority and the Ministry.

AIC was the first in Hungary to provide online education and since then all our teachers are providing education in their classes.

Unfortunately, some of you do not attend the online classes. I am writing this to inform you that attending the online classes is NOT a matter of choice, but it is COMPULSORY and all students should attend the classes from their HOME. The presence is being recorded. We may even organize the exams online. If you do not attend the classes then you cannot graduate this year and you will not be able to get the certificate for this year.

Attend all the online classes.
Turn your camera on (if your camera is OFF, then it means you are absent from the class).
Talk to your teachers and other students.
Answer the questions and participate in the class.
Complete the homework you are given.

Nobody knows when the Hungarian Government will instruct us to open the college, but until then we continue with our education. This is even a more serious work for my colleagues and I and therefore, I am expecting that all the students take this matter seriously.

I wish all you the best of health.
Together we defeat Corona.


Dr. Shahrokh MirzaHosseini
Avicenna International College
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

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