First job shadowing activity

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  • First job shadowing activity
  • February 13, 2023
  • 2 min read

AIC welcomed its very first job shadowing activity when an Italian colleague Alessia Montanucci spent a week with us from 30 Jan until 3 February. Alessia came from Marsciano in Umbria from the Salvatorelli-Moneta high school. She is also the Erasmus coordinator of her school where she teaches English and where two of our 5 Italian Erasmus students are coming from, Luca and Noemi.


Alessia joined our language (English, Hungarian and German) and humanities (History, Civilisation, Art) subject classes during her five-day stay at Avicenna. She did not only observe the classes but also held English classes for B2 level students and held German classes for the beginners where she taught German in Hungary for an all-Italian group in our College where English is the language of tuition to maximise her experience in a multi-cultural, truly multilingual environment.


She also joined us for our afternoon cultural and recreational activities which took us to the Central Market, city exploring walks and also to the biggest ice rink in the historical City Park where she enjoyed the company of our 33 AIC students on ice in a picture perfect ambient with a light snowfall as pictures taken during this event can testify it.

Her job shadowing will be followed by 3 more guest teachers from Italy who will arrive in the coming months from 3 different schools.

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