NCUK Regional Manager visits Avicenna International College

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  • NCUK Regional Manager visits Avicenna International College
  • September 21, 2022
  • 2 min read
We had the honour to host Mr Adam Connor at the AIC, who is the NCUK Regional Manager from Manchester. Mr Adam came to pay us a visit by the invitation of the AIC-NCUK Academic Manager Mr Steve and spent an action-packed full day with us in Budapest, that started with a guided tour in the Hungarian Parliament in the company of Ms Katalin who is in charge of cultural programmes at Avicenna.

After a lunch in our on-site Persian restaurant he was taken to the newly refurbished Hotel Krisztina to see the property and the site that is used by our students as temporary accommodation.

After the visit in our hotel, he sat down with our NCUK manager and teachers who teach Maths, English for Academic Purposes (EAP), Business studies and Economics for students who are taking an NCUK foundation year to go to UK universities.
Mr Adam also got the chance to meet two of our newly arrived Indian IFY Business students. After the meetings, he was invited for a one-on-one with Dr. Shahrokh, later on joined by Mr Steve to discuss management and all non-academic arrangements to further strengthen the cooperation between Avicenna and NCUK. The day was crowned in syte with a dinner at the Trattoria Venezia restaurant.

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