Semmelweis Bronze Statue at Avicenna International College

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  • Semmelweis Bronze Statue at Avicenna International College
  • November 22, 2019
  • 2 min read

Semmelweis Bronze Statue at Avicenna International College

On November 8th, 2019 at 8 pm the bronze bust of Semmelweis was inaugurated at the entrance of Avicenna International College on the occasion of the 200th birth of Ignac Semmelweis, the Hungarian physician best known as the “Savior of Mothers”.

This fabulous piece of artwork was created by Istvan Madarassy, the Kossuth Award winner, a widely respected sculpturist famous for his unique fire-on-cupper works. This statue was the exact copy of the one already created in 2015 and erected at Tehran University of Medical Sciences which was inaugurated by Prime Minister Mr. Viktor Orban.

Professor Laszlo Rosivall, the President of the Semmelweis Memorial Committee, gave the inaugural speech to highlight the importance of the Semmelweis Memorial Year and the fact about 21 Semmelweis busts have been officially placed in 15 countries supported by the Hungarian Government. The first one was placed in Tehran, then more memorial Semmelweis statutes were inaugurated in Geneva (WHO), Austria, Japan, China, USA, Canada, Australia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Poland, and other countries to celebrate and protect the memories of a great Hungarian physician who saved the lives of so many mothers and newborns.

The inauguration took place in conjunction with the 4th USERN Congress where many international scientists and dignities were present.

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